Tuesday, June 21, 2011

another try at the link


Cade - jump practice with toy June 21st

I worked with Cade first on his stay, then we worked sending him around a jump.  Then I wanted him to take the jump before him and go to the tunnel.  He likes going to the tunnel!  The final goal was to take the jump, look forward to the tunnel and then come out and take the jump before him.  We made some progress with it.  I then worked with him on working with a toy.  He got so focused on the toy when I picked it up that he would not take the jumps.  I worked with him some to get him to take the jump and then get the toy.  We will work more on this.  Here are the videos.

Work with jump plus tunnel, then jump-tunnel-jump


(this link did not become a hyperlink, so you will have to copy and paste it.  sorry)

Work with toy and jump


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Final sit-stay for today

Cade 3rd Sit Stay training video

Cade 2nd sit/stay video

1st Video of sit-stay practice


Video was too large for the blog site, so here it is on youtube.

Cade-sit stay practice or should I say PROGRESS!!!

At first I started out with a clicker.  NOT GOOD.  He reacts so excessively to the clicker and starts offering me behaviors so rapidly that I don't have time to click the right one.  Not good for a position I want to train to hold!
Then I changed to letting him figure out what I was treating him for.  That was better, but not the best. 
The next thing was a combination of Kristy's teaching on the start line stay that I used with Canon and the Mary Ellen Barry self control stay.  I would be holding a treat on my flat hand and if he moved toward the treat, I would close my hand to show him NO TREAT.  He is pretty good with this and I think if can be used to help him learn to stay.  That is what I ended up with and got to the point I could stay out two jumps and he would hold it.
Videos are in the next post